By default, this thermostat has 4 separate program periods for both Heat and
Cool mode, they are: MORN, DAY, EVE, and NITE. Each period ends at the start
time of the following period. The heat programs are set in HEAT mode, and the
cool programs are set in COOL mode.
NOTE: If the thermostat is configured to use only 2 periods per day instead of 4
(SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND SETUP OPTIONS), the thermostat will only use the
DAY and NITE periods. The MORN and EVE periods will not be visible on the
SET TEMPERATURE PROGRAMS: Place the System Mode switch into the desired
temperature mode that you would like to set the program for. The instructions
below will differ somewhat, depending on whether you are using the 5/2-Day
programming style or the 7-Day programming style.
FOR 5/2-DAY PROGRAMMING OPTION: You will set all 5 weekdays, Monday
through Friday, in one combined process. After the weekdays are complete, you
can advance to set both weekend days, Saturday and Sunday, in one combined
If the backlight is not already illuminated, press the SET button one time to light
the display. With the screen illuminated, press the SET button one time, and you
should now see the words SET and PROGRAM shown at the top of the display
screen, and you should see “Morn” and “MoTuWeThFr” at the bottom of the
display. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the start time for the MORN period,
then press the NEXT button to advance. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the
set temperature for the MORN period, then press the NEXT button to advance.
Now adjust the start time and set temperature for the DAY period, pressing the
NEXT button after each to advance. Continue with these same steps to adjust the
start times and set temperatures for the EVE and NITE program periods.
When the NITE period is finished for the weekdays, the thermostat will advance
forward to the weekend program. You should see “Morn” and “SaSu” at the
bottom of the display. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the start time for the
MORN period, then press the NEXT button to advance. Continue with these same
steps to adjust the start times and set temperatures for the DAY, EVE, and NITE
program periods as desired.